Organization Abbreviation and Website Change

Organization Abbreviation and Website Change


Organization Abbreviation Change

The Leadership and Sustainable Development Forum, registered in Washington, DC, USA, is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization recognized by the IRS, founded on March 3, 2023. Initially abbreviated as LSDForum, the organization decided to change its abbreviation to LSForum on March 18, 2024, based on a suggestion from Lin Yi. This decision was unanimously approved by the directors Han Jie, Wu Liye, and Zhang Shaozhen. The change aims to eliminate ambiguity and achieve a more concise and clear name.

Website and Email Address Change

With the change in the organization's abbreviation, a new domain,, has been registered and activated. The previous website,, will be temporarily retained and will automatically redirect to the new website, Simultaneously, the organization's email addresses have also been updated:

General inquiries and communications:

Art exhibition-related inquiries and communications:

Logo Change

Old Logo:

LSDForum (old)

New Logo:

LSForum (now)

Government Registration

On April 4, 2024, the organization applied for the abbreviation change on the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DC.GOV) website. This step ensures our organization operates in compliance with relevant regulations.All changes are limited to the above statements. There are no changes to the organization's full name, EIN number, or donation bank account.